Hatha Flow (Level 3)

About the course

I den här klassen använder vi oss av yogapositioner (asanas) och andningen för att öka kroppens styrka och flexibilitet och för att utveckla en medvetenhet om vårt inre. Yogan renar kroppen, stillar sinnet och ger en känsla av lugn, närvaro och balans. Övningarna, som utförs i visst flöde men framförallt genom att hålla positionerna längre, kan vara utmanande men yogan utgår alltid från individens egna förutsättningar och modifieras för att passa var och en.

Kursen vänder sig till dig som har yogat förut (hatha, ashtanga, poweryoga eller liknande) och vill utvecklas både fysiskt och personligt. Vi lägger stor vikt på kroppsteknik (alignment) under klasserna. På den här kursen arbetar vi tematiskt med olika fokus på varje lektion.

Kursen hålls på engelska. Class is taught in English.

Kursperiod: v 4-22

Onsdagar 19.30-21.00

Kurskod: HF

Omfattning: 16 tillfällen per termin
Längd: 90 minuter
Location: Ansgar Church
Award: 4 .020,00 kr

7 in stock

7 in stock

Kursperioder VT 2025

Kurser v 4-22 (om inte annat anges)


Vecka 9 (Sportlov)

16 (Påsklov 14/4-21/4)

Valborg (30/4-1/5)

Kristi himmelsfärd (29/5-1/6)

Why course?

There is a big difference between taking a pilates or yoga course versus practicing open classes. In a course, you start at your level, as does the whole group. You develop together and the teacher has the opportunity to deepen the various areas included in a structured manner.

The teacher gets to know you and your needs and can adapt and modify exercises just for you. It gets personal. It also creates a sense of security in the group, which is a prerequisite for going deep, both in physical and mental exercises. That, in turn, is what makes it so great to come back each week and re-energize.

Many of our customers testify that a great value for them is that they have their "sacred time". If you take a course with a dedicated time per week, you don't want to miss it. It makes it easier to prioritize. You get the continuity that makes all the difference in the experience of well-being.

Get started

We know how good you feel from practicing pilates and/or yoga. We also know how high the threshold can feel when you haven't trained for a while, or have been injured.

We would love to help you get started and inspire you to well-being! Therefore, you are most welcome to call us or book a meeting, where we can talk about how you can get started in the best way. The meeting is free of charge.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Our other courses


Thursdays 17.15

Hathayoga (nivå 1-2)

Mondays 18.00

Mom-baby PYS

Tuesdays at 10.00

PYS – Pilates-Yoga-Strength (level 3)

Tuesdays 19.30

Pilates soft (level 1)

Wednesdays 17.15

Pilates Matwork (level 3)

Onsdagar 18.25

Hatha Flow (Level 3)

Onsdagar 19.30

Pilates Matwork (level 1-2)

Söndagar 16.00

Nybörjarkurs i pilates (nivå 1)

Thursdays 18.30

Let Go Restorative & Yin

Fridays 17.30-18.45

PYS – Pilates-Yoga-Strength (level 1-2)

Sundays 14.45

Pilates Matwork (nivå 2)

Söndagar 16.00

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